users worldwide
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Access over 40 genomic, clinical and pharmaceutical databases updated weekly by hundreds of expert curators.
Enrich your NGS analysis and interpretations with cutting-edge bioinformatics software solutions trusted by thousands worldwide.
Make improvements in life possible by partnering with one bioinformatics software provider empowering you from Sample to Insight.
publications cite QIAGEN’s bioinformatics software and products as part of their research and clinical insights
How pharmaceutical companies can leverage real-world genomic data to overcome inefficiencies in canc...
Confronted with challenges to advancing their research, Nofima turned to QIAGEN Discovery Bioinforma...
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has transformed the field of oncology. Early successes in identifyi...
Researchers across the world are using QIAGEN Digital Insights solutions to accelerate their work in...
The Summer 2023 Release of the Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) Professional is available, expand...
Cancer drug development takes years. What if there's a faster way?
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HGMD Professional 2023.2 Release
Targeted NGS panels and optimized analysis and interpretation bioinformatics software tools.
Discovery Bioinformatics Services is a reliable and convenient way to extend your in-house resources with expertise and perfectly tailored bioinformatics software and services that ensure high-quality results.
Enabling pharma companies to develop biomarker diagnostics and targeted therapies using real-world insights from oncology patient genomic data.
Helping clinical testing laboratories leverage the benefits of automation and expert support to improve test turnaround times, enhance clinical reporting capabilities and scale for future growth.
Join us at an event or attend a web seminar to learn how our products, solutions and services are empowering customers around the world to unlock valuable molecular insights.
Çukurova University in Adana, Turkey, analyzes the ancient origins of rare genetic diseases
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